Things to do with Thermal Imaging

Fun ways to use your thermal camera

Thermal imaging is a tool that can help solve a wide variety of problems, but is there also a way to have fun with the infrared spectrum too?

Wildlife –

In a world where we are constantly on the go, sometimes it is lovely when we have the opportunity to sit back, relax and just watch the world go by.

Some people choose to do this by watching wildlife such as bird watching. However, that can be easier said than done if you’re struggling to find them. Thermal cameras can make that a whole lot easier, by giving you the ability to spot animals you may not have seen before, allowing you to conduct your hobby without disturbing the animals.


Ghost Hunting –

Hunting supernatural spirits have been a thousand-year-old hobby for many people, but how exactly does thermal imaging help identify paranormal activity?

The cameras ability to detect temperature and transfer this into an image we can see; helps ghost hunters to find signs of paranormal activity through identifying temperature anomalies that the supernatural may have left.


Art –

Whether it be painting or photography, there are always solutions to making something more unique and eye catching in the art world.

The collection of colour pallets that accompany a thermal camera are great if you want to look at things from a different perspective so rather than taking a photograph of a person through a digital camera lens or painting a portrait of someone in natural light that we see as humans, why not try something new and experiment with the colour pallets on a thermal camera?


Cooking –

We all know how difficult making dinner can be sometimes, especially when there is a lot to cook or you’re making something different, but there is nothing worse than taking your food out the oven to discover your chicken is still pink or your lamb has been burned to a crisp.

With the help of a thermal camera, you can visibly see if your food is cooked by looking at the temperature rather than cutting it open or even sitting down to eat to find your meal isn’t cooked or you have to start again because it’s been a little too cooked.


Property Hunting –

The last thing you want to happen when you purchase a new home is to find out you need to spend even more money fixing issues with the property, you weren’t aware existed, when you originally purchased it.

We have a solution for that though! Next time you go house hunting, take your thermal camera with you and have a look for signs of poor insulation, overheated electrics and possible damp issues. By doing this you can save loads of money and ensure your property is in the condition you expect.

As you can see, there are many ways to use your thermal camera on a day to day basis, and these are just a small selection of ways to put your thermal camera to use or add a twist to your normal day to day lives.

If you would like to try some of these out, or maybe you have a suggestion of your own but don’t own a thermal camera feel free to get in touch with one of our friendly team members who will be more than happy to point you in the right direction!