How Thermal Cameras Will Change The Motor Industry

In this blog, we will take you through two major advancements in the car/traffic industry recently that have been introduced and developed as a result of optimising the power of thermal camera technology. Many still fail to recognise the importance and effectiveness of thermal camera imagery. However in years to come, with the current talks of driver less cars being introduced into the world, everyone will be talking about this incredible technology.

There are many concerns from the public regarding the evolution to come that is driver-less cars and how this will be possible. The main question is how they will work and be reliable? For example, how will the car be able to detect people, objects or animals in the road without causing harm? Using deep learning computer vision algorithms and thermal technology, regardless of the weather conditions, or whether it is day or night, the thermal camera can understand any road, any surroundings and the conditions that are present, meaning that the car will be able to be alert at all times and be better equipped to analyse and predict what's best to do next. Whereas humans - as we all know - cannot always be so alert, responsive or accurate. Often only allowing themselves a small distance to react and prevent a collision when driving.

With the number of car accidents are at the highest yet according to governmental records, with over 1,792 road deaths last year (2016) and 181,384 casualties, the main initiative behind all advancements in these areas will be to improve safety on the roads and reduce the number of deaths and casualties caused as a result of general driving.

Though it is expected that we will have to wait at least a few years - with some car manufacturers claiming to have driver-less cars launched by 2020 - to be able to test a driver-less car out for ourselves, we are already witnessing the use of thermal cameras being used to prevent fatal but avoidable crashes.

For example, a recent trial was conducted in the Arizona, where they experienced over 700 drivers in 2017 accidentally entering their freeways the opposite way. With the risk of causing potentially life-threatening incidents which could continue to involve many people's lives affected, it involved using the thermal cameras to spot wrong-way vehicles on freeway off-ramps, potentially reducing the risk of harm caused.

Though the concept itself is still within its trail phrase, during its trial it has successfully alerted authorities of wrong-way vehicles approaching the freeway, which meant that overhead message boards and the DPS could be warned with much more time to spare and act quickly to the upcoming incident.

It is an exciting time for thermal technology in many industries, the car industry is one of many industries who will soon be taking full advantage of what thermal cameras have to offer. If you are interested in how thermal cameras can take your business and industry to the next level, why not send us an email to find out how to stay ahead and keep up to date with recent advancements going on in your industry?