Monthly News Round Up - August

Here we are, once again, and it would appear that Autumn is officially here! Cheer yourself up from the damp outside by casting your mind back to sunnier times, and all that happened in the world of thermal imaging throughout August. 

If you've spotted anything we haven't, that you feel is worth a mention, let us know! Tweet us @ThermascanUK, message us on Facebook, or drop an email to


"Changing Technology in Ecological Surveys: the Role of Thermal Imaging and Infra-Red Cameras" - BSG EcologyAn article from ecological consultants (and friends of Thermascan) BSG Ecology, on the changing technologies most commonly used in ecological surveys and monitoring. In particular they have found that using thermal imaging can "significantly increase survey accuracy", allowing them to "capture footage on animals in real time rather than inferring activity or habitat use from indirect methods such as acoustic recordings or from field signs alone".

"Thermal Imaging in Sports" - AZO Optics: This article discusses the benefits of new thermal imaging technology for medical usages, over older techniques. Medical Infrared Thermography (MIT) is used in a wide variety of medical disciplines, and enables the "detection and location of thermal abnormalities to be identified by increases or decreases in skin surface temperature". 

"Sights on solar" - imv europe: This article, reporting on a talk given at the 32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition back in June, explains how the use of thermal imaging cameras on drones is "cutting the cost of inspection and maintenance of solar power arrays".

"Where does your body dump heat while exercising" - Interesting Engineering: This article takes a video from popular Youtube channel Thunderf00t, looking at how your body temperature reacts to exercise. As they say, the results are certainly not what you would expect!

"Thermal imaging phone reveals Londoner's battle to keep cool in summer" - Evening Standard: Using the Cat S60, the new smart phone that comes with fully integrated FLIR technology, a study revealed just how hot Londoners were getting this summer. From snapping those in the sweltering heat of the Central Line, to the guard of Whitehall, the camera "gave a unique view of London and showed how hot summer in the city can be". 

"NPL scientists develop new 3D thermal imaging technique for satellites" - Scientists at the National Physical Laboratory have developed a new 3D thermal imaging technique for the European Space Agency, allowing "measurement data to be compared with thermal models in a better way".


"Filming Alligators With A Thermal Camera: BTS Vlog - BBC Earth" - BBC Earth Unplugged: This behind the scenes video from BBC Earth, takes a look at the team at amphibian sanctuary 'Crocodiles of the World', and the technology they use in caring for the animals. In particular, staff there regularly use a thermal imaging smartphone to check on the baby alligators!

"See through smoke: Physics - Operation Awesome" - BBC Teach: BBC Teach's experiment sees a group of 10 - 11 year olds testing whether a night vision or thermal imaging camera would work best in finding someone trapped in a smoke filled building. Can you guess which one won?

"Thermal Imagery Examples for Scifoo" - SMC Belle Bats: Some pretty awesome footage from St Mary's College, Notre Dame, of bats in flight. Filmed on a FLIR 8300SC, the footage has been slowed down to 10% of its original speed, to great affect!

"Axis Communications' Academy 60 Seconds - Thermal Imaging" - Axis Communciations: A handy little quick video for any beginners out there, explaining what thermal imaging is, and the science behind it.

So there you have it, August's monthly news round up. See you next month for more of the most interesting stories and videos from the world of thermal imaging across the internet. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, for up to date news and offers!