20 Applications where Thermal Cameras can help you!

How many different applications do you use infrared technology for?

A lot of people don’t realise the diversity of a thermography camera, and the different scenarios they can be used in, so we made a list of 20 different thermal imaging can help you out!

Electrical Inspections -

Thermal imaging cameras for electrical/mechanical applications are powerful and non-invasive tools for monitoring and diagnosing the condition of electrical/mechanical installations and components. With a thermal imaging camera, you can identify problems early, allowing them to be documented and corrected before becoming more serious and more costly to repair.

Search & Rescue –

Handheld cameras and drones are used where time is of the essence, and saving lives depends on the use of thermal cameras. These can be used by air, land and sea.

Gas Detection -

Optical gas imaging (OGI) cameras can help detect methane, sulphur hexa fluoride, and hundreds of other industrial gases quickly, accurately, and safely - without shutting down systems. Surveying areas that are hard to reach with traditional contact measurement tools. OGI cameras can also detect leaks from a safe distance, displaying these invisible gases as clouds of smoke.

Predictive Maintenance –  

Thermal Imaging cameras have the ability to scan a surface to quickly reveal hot and cold spots. These temperature variations often indicate underlying problems, which can then be addressed as part of a company’s maintenance program.

Law Enforcement -

Police officers use the power of thermal imaging to see without being seen. They can easily find suspects in total darkness without giving away their position.

Wildlife Surveillance -

Thermal imaging can be useful to spot wildlife, either on foot or with an Ariel view via a drone, highlighting the smallest of heat signatures from a distance that doesn’t disturb wildlife meaning little in the form of wildlife, livestock or pests can hide from this making it extremely accurate at evaluating a site.


Veterinary -

Thermal cameras are rapidly becoming much more commonplace for veterinary practices due to their abilities to detect problematic thermal hotspots, where the vet can use a thermal camera to analyse an animals' heat and spot potential problems.

Under Floor Heating -

A thermal imaging survey of an underfloor heating system involves capturing thermal images of the floor with the heating system on.
Under the appropriate conditions it is possible to identify the location and route of the subsurface pipes by way of a temperature difference on the surface of the floor.

Solar Panels -

This inspection method is non-destructive and non-invasive.  Thermal imaging can be used to inspect the solar panels under load, so no shutdown is required. When used properly, thermal imaging cameras will show accurate temperature differences between cells or within a single cell that will allow you to identify faults at an early stage.

HVAC Maintenance –

Rooftop HVAC equipment plays a critical role in maintaining proper indoor air quality in most commercial buildings. The installation and condition of this equipment directly affects operating costs, equipment life expectancy, occupant comfort and building tenability. As such, optimising equipment performance is a high priority for all building stakeholders.

Border Security -

Border security specialists protect their country’s border against smugglers and other intruders. With a thermal imaging camera they are able to see a man at a distance of 20 kilometres away in total darkness.

Bearings –

Hand-held thermal cameras are often used as part of a maintenance programme. This could include gearboxes, conveyor belts, coupling, bearings, motors and much more. With the use of thermal imaging overheating elements become immediately noticeable allowing pre-emptive action to be taken.

Motor Vehicles –

The thermal camera allows the technician to ‘see’ blockages in exhaust systems or radiators, and detect hotspots caused by mechanical misalignment, a misfiring cylinder or electrical connection issues. It’s also ideal for checking the efficiency of heated seats or air-con systems.


Non-Destructive Testing –

Thermal non-destructive testing can detect internal defects through target excitation and observation of thermal differences on a target surface. It is a valuable tool for detecting voids, delaminations, and water including in composites.

Water Leak Detection-

Thermal cameras can be used to detect any damp or warm patches of your walls and floors to identify the source of the leak. This allows you to identify pipe runs that are buried in sub-floors and other areas hidden within the building structure.

Moisture Ingress -

Moisture damage is the most common form of deterioration for a building. Air leakage can cause condensation to form within walls, floors, or ceilings. Wet insulation takes a long time to dry and becomes a prime location for mould and fungi. Scanning with a thermal imaging camera can locate moisture that creates an environment conductive to mould. One might smell its presence, but not know where it is forming. A thermal survey will determine where moist areas are located that can lead to serious mould which can lead to health issues.

Insulation Defects -

Thermal imaging is an outstanding tool to locate building defects such as missing insulation, visualise cracks that cause energy loss, locate thermal bridges, detect missing delaminating render and detect condensation problems. Thermal imaging cameras can provide a powerful and non-invasive means of monitoring and diagnosing the condition of buildings.

Refrigeration –

Thermal Cameras Detect refrigerants gas leaks without interrupting or shutting down operations.  

Fire Fighting -

Handheld Safety on the ground, helps Firefighters to see through smoke. It helps them to find victims in a smoke filled room and also to see if fires are well extinguished. Helping to save lives.


Waste Facility Fire Detection

Thermal imaging cameras and water cannons, can be used to continuously monitor the area, sounding an alarm when an elevated temperature is detected and deploying the water cannon as fire prevention.  Alerts can also be sent to anyone with remote access, and can be programmed to alert the local fire department as well, bringing the response time down significantly and saving millions in lost property damage. They can also lower insurance costs for facility owners and managers, as they significantly reduce the risk of massive fires, currently the biggest threat to these operations.