Plumbing Thermal Imaging Cameras for Sale

Thermascan supplies a wide range of thermal cameras suitable for plumbing predictive maintenance and fault detection. From leak detection to holes in pipes, thermal cameras can cleverly detect issues before becoming major faults. This can save money on repairs and prevent unscheduled downtime.

Having the right camera to conduct your plumbing thermal survey (or monitoring) is essential. Thermascan are experts and work with engineers with minimum level II certification, and can happily advise on the type of camera you need for ongoing predictive maintenance of plumbing systems. Many large companies set up round-the-clock thermal monitoring for major industrial systems.

Why Buy a Thermal Camera?

If you are a contracted thermal surveyor, then the reasons why you need to buy your own thermal camera are more obvious; however, for surveyors and other businesses, there is always the option of renting a thermal camera.

Whilst this can be very beneficial as it allows you to change to the latest models and stops you from having to worry about thermal camera calibration when you need a camera long-term, this can be more expensive than investing in your own camera.

Should You Hire a Thermal Camera?

If you’re on a tight budget, hiring equipment may be the right option for you. While purchasing is certainly the best decision in some cases, we also rent out cameras to our clients because we understand that not everyone is looking to buy.

If you opt for our thermal imaging camera hire service, you can benefit from equipment that won’t set you back thousands of pounds, you can compare different models to find the right one for your needs, you can experiment with the latest cameras, you won’t have to worry about repairs because Thermascan takes care of everything, you get access to a vast range of products, and so much more.

Whether you require your own in-house thermal camera for the surveillance and monitoring of plumbing equipment in a large plant or factory, or whether you are a contracted thermographer, then you may find the below camera ranges ideal:


The cameras above are perfect for conducting a plumbing survey, as they all have the ability to read the temperature necessary to detect a leak (which are between 15°C to 30°C), so you don’t need anything too advanced.

Choosing the Best Plumbing Thermal Camera for Your Needs

If you need any assistance in selecting the best camera for your specific requirements, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Our engineers are level II certified thermographers and would be more than happy to help you.

Get in Touch with Thermascan

To have a chat over the phone or to enquire about one of the cameras listed above, please call on 01234 219421 or fill out our enquiry form.

Alternatively, if you decide that you are only looking for a one-off thermographic survey, we would recommend that you contact one of Thermascan’s thermal plumbing surveyors, who are trained to carry them out comprehensively and meet the correct standards.